This Anime is Lying To You


The anime show Oshinoko captivates viewers with its unique storyline centered around a doctor who becomes a fan of AI, leading to unexpected events. The plot takes a bizarre turn when the doctor wakes up as a baby named Aqua, retaining memories of his past life, introducing an isekai concept. The series delves into the entertainment industry's pressures and secrets, showcasing career challenges and personal insecurities faced by the characters. With plot twists and intriguing relationships, Oshinoko keeps viewers engaged and eagerly anticipating each new episode.

Introduction to Oshinoko

Introduction to the anime show Oshinoko that took the anime fans by storm on its release day.

Unexpected Storyline

A doctor becomes a fan of AI, leading to unexpected events and a unique storyline.

Mysterious Birth

A young girl shows up 20 weeks pregnant, leading to surprising revelations and promises.

Unusual Reincarnation

The doctor wakes up as a baby, Aqua, with memories of his past life, introducing a bizarre isekai concept.

Complex Relationships

I and Ruby, as baby adults, showcase a strange yet intriguing adult-like relationship.

Behind the Scenes of Show Business

Exploration of the entertainment industry, highlighting the pressures and secrets within the industry.

Career and Insecurities

I faces career challenges and personal insecurities, struggling with her identity and fears.

Unexpected Plot Twists

The anime takes unexpected turns with plot twists that keep viewers on the edge of their seats.


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