The video portrays Prisoner number 804, who despite a past filled with crime, has transformed into a philanthropist and activist dedicated to serving humanity. He established free cancer hospitals, a university in a remote area, and embarked on a mission to awaken the nation. Despite incarceration for challenging powerful individuals and mafias, he draws inspiration from the state of Medina and envisions a better world where the state serves its people. Through his message, he encourages the people of Pakistan to hold onto hope, fight for their rights, and strive for a future free of injustice.
Foreign Music
Prisoner number 804 with a long list of crimes.
Pakistan's Achievements
Set up free cancer hospitals, established a university in a remote area, and traveled around the country to awaken the nation.
Challenging the Powerful
Incarceration for attempting to bring the powerful individuals under control, confronting mafias, and striving for the state to serve the people.
Ideal State
Referencing to the state of Medina and the vision for a better world.
Pakistan's Dream
Pakistan as a glorious dream envisioned by Allah for the rights of its people and to rise against injustice.
Voice of Hope
Encouraging the people of Pakistan to keep hope for a better future and to stand up for their rights.
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